Communications Academy
In the Communications Academy, students can prepare for careers in Digital Design, TV Production, Broadcast News and Sports Media. When students take part in the program, they can select from two tracks: TV Production and Digital Design. In Digital Design, students learn and can become professionally certified in the Adobe Create Cloud software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
TV Production students use professional editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro, and learn industry terminology and skills related to television and film…all while creating unique, innovative video projects. In the first year, all TV Production students learn professional filming, editing, and writing skills. Then, as Advanced-level students, they can choose to take part in the award-winning Wired daily newscast, or our one-of-a-kind Sports Media program. Our Wired students work in the only professional-grade studio and control room to produce daily newscasts, filled with student-created content. In Sports Media, students film every major Nease sporting event and then edit ESPN-style highlight reels which are presented at year-end banquets, and used in social media campaigns.
Interested in both Digital Design and Television Production? You can apply to take part in both tracks!
Thanks to talented instructors, professional industry certifications, enriching field trips, guest speakers, and internship opportunities, the students in the Communications Academy graduate prepared to head either directly into the workforce or on to higher education at the State College or University level.

We will prepare and inspire students for success in college and career by providing relevant knowledge of necessary skills for and real-world exposure to the communications industry.
Academy Flyer & Program of Study
Academy News
Recently, Nease’s Communications Academy Wired and Sports Media classes welcomed guests to talk with students about different options to continue studying broadcasting at the post-secondary level. Nease Graduate and current Professor Harrison Hove, with the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications, spent time with the Wired students to discuss the many varied paths …
UF and Full Sail Visit Nease Communications Academy TV Production Program Read More »

How do design and hospitality blend together? With a little Disney magic, of course! Disney Imagineers took Nease Digital Design And Hospitality Academy students on a journey through the Animal Kingdom theme park last week, revealing the secrets of creative storytelling to guests through design. Students learned how the park tells a story, and how …
Nease Hospitality & Communications Digital Design Academies Join Forces For Disney Trip Read More »

Twenty-three of Nease’s Communications Academy Wired students travelled to the University of Florida to take part in the Florida Scholastic Press Association District 2 Workshop Day. The students had the chance to attend sessions led by instructors from various high schools and by professionals in the field, to help them sharpen their skills in broadcast …

Each summer, hundreds of Career Academy students participate in summer internships with businesses across our community. For the Communications Academy Sports Media Program at Nease, Select Media, the production company for the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp has been an amazing internship location. Year after year, they have trained Nease students in real-life sports broadcasting technology. And …
Career Academy Summer Internship Becomes Paying Gig For Sports Media Student Read More »

Congratulations, Stellar Scholarship Winners! Congratulations to Nease’s Hannah DeVelder and Harry Ison, who were selected as the Stellar Scholarship Award Recipients for 2024. The awards were presented by Stellar Engineer, and Nease’s Stellar Academy of Engineering Advisory Board Chairman, Briggs Kirby. These Stellar Academy of Engineering students both plan to continue studying the subject at …
Nease Academy Students Learn Skills, Earn Scholarships Read More »

- Jaime Combs, Career Specialist
(904) 547-8300