Academy of Biotechnology and Medical Research
Students participate in a rigorous college preparatory curriculum with a strong focus on math and science. Students will participate in valuable hands-on curriculum designed in partnership with the Mayo Clinic. Students will have access to a comprehensive research lab and a greenhouse. The skills learned will prepare them for any medical or science related field. Students will have the opportunity to earn college credit through Advanced Placement courses.

The Academy of Biotechnology and Medical Research will seek to engage, excite, and educate students about the promise and challenges of biotechnology through inquiry-based methods of instruction and advanced curriculum while addressing social and ethical issues in one of Florida’s premier growth industries.
Program of Study
Academy News
The Academy of Biotechnology and Medical Research has updated the program with multiple pieces of new research equipment. The new technology will allow the students to pose and hopefully answer deeper questions of the research they are conducting. This equipment, along with additional lab renovations and updates are creating a great learning environment for …
PVHS Biotechnology Academy Updates Program with New Equipment. Read More »

Academy student, Mary Kate Reynolds was featured in the Ponte Vedra News Line. To read the full article, click this link

The PVHS Academy of Biotechnology and Medical Research participated in the 2022 HOSA Regional Leadership Conference on January 22, 2022. Mary Kate Reynolds and Nicolas Storm, pictured, finished first and third in the Biomedical Laboratory Science category. Both will compete in at the State Leadership conference in Orlando in April along with 21 other …

Project Innovation is a district wide competition that promotes entrepreneurialism and provides students the opportunity to develop a product or idea to solve a problem. All Career Academies in St. Johns County are invited to participate. The Ponte Vedra academy teachers did a great job of incorporating this real world competition into their curriculum and …
PVHS Academies Excel at District Project Innovation Competition Read More »

The Breakfast with Biotech Lecture series resumed after a one year COVID19 imposed hiatus. The speakers consisted of senior students who shared their summer internship experiences with the underclass students. Speaking from the SPARK program was Jackson Wolfe and Emma Chirila. Gigi Chaon, Elle DeVault and Zac Janszen discussed their work at Anastasia Mosquito Control. …

- Marisa Leonard, Career Specialist
(904) 547-7350