Northrup Grumman Aviation donated a greenhouse to the Environmental Education class at Gamble Rogers Middle School as part of the school’s Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) program. Pedro Menendez students from Mike Rosenberg’s Building Academy classes collaborated with the Gamble Rogers Environmental class instructor, Mr. Gamble, to construct the greenhouse. Pedro Menendez Building Academy students Cody Kling, Aaron Rynn, Tommy Mouse, Shaun Riggs, Body Stratton, Christian Lucas, Jonathan Looney, Drew Povia, Trey Craig, Jeffrey Vaugn, Tyler Rhoden, Cole Lane, Tyler Blasingame, Allen Ashton, and August Riddle, spent the entire day assembling and overcoming design challenges to build a greenhouse donated by Grunman Aviation. Bill Downey, an engineer for Reynolds Smith & Hills Inc., acted as the project manager for the construction of the greenhouse.