Career and Technical Education (CTE) of St. Johns County

Character Counts! School Business Partner of the Year

Last fall when Bethany Mitidieri learned there was an opening on the advisory board for the Academy of Culinary Arts at St. Johns Technical High School, she jumped at the opportunity to join. She has been an instrumental member of the advisory board since last November, attending every meeting and assisting academy staff with connecting to other local food service establishments and organizations to build new partnerships. Even though Bethany was in the midst with pursuing her own life passion of owning a bake shop, she immersed herself in mentoring and coaching students in the culinary classroom. Bethany joined the planning sub-committee for our first community fundraising event – Restaurant Wars. She coached a team of two students for the pastry segment of the competition, and hosted paid summer internships for them at her quaint downtown Cutie Pies Bake Shop. Mrs. Mitidieri was a coach and a mentor for all the students involved in the competition, but she particularly connected with two culinary students who she embraced and guided throughout the summer to pursue their dreams through building self-awareness and self-confidence. Bethany continues to support the Academy of Culinary Arts as a valuable member of the advisory board and a competition coach for a team of students passionate about pastry and baking.  Congratulations, Mrs. Mitidieri and the team at Cutie Pies Bake Shop! We’re so fortunate to have you involved with the Academy of Culinary Arts.