Career and Technical Education (CTE) of St. Johns County

Broadcasting Professionals Meet with Nease Communications Academy Students

The Broadcasting business can be a tough industry, but two recent guest speakers who met with Nease Communications Academy shared that success can be attained by those who work for it!

Clark Fouraker, a Nease Communications Academy graduate and current broadcast journalist for NBCLX, spoke with students about how he got to this point in his career, how broadcasting is changing, and how “content creation” skills can be valuable in any industry students choose to pursue…even if it’s not within Communications.  He answered student questions about his journalistic process and writing style, and shared some top secret details about the latest story he’s working on for NBCLX. We are so grateful to have a former NHS Wired News graduate come back to share his stories and advice with our students!

In the world of radio, Colbi King shared that she’s brought a positive, can-do attitude to her dream of being a radio broadcaster since she was in middle school.  Her passion for radio led her from her small Florida town to a number of exciting destinations, including Hawaii, but when she had the chance to return to Florida and settle in Jacksonville, her college town (she’s a UNF Communications graduate), she jumped at the opportunity.  Colbi shared her journey to on-air radio success with the Communications Academy students, answered their questions, and gave advice on finding a work-life balance in adulthood.  We thank Colbi for taking a break from her job at Jacksonville Radio to join us.